
We had a great Centenary committee made up of a wide range of former and current staff, students and supporters. Members included:

Viv Cree, Autumn Roesch-Marsh, Sumeet Jain, Marie Irwin, Gary Clapton, Vivienne Triseliotis, Jane Aldgate, Judith Brearley, Wendy & Iain Paterson, Lorraine Waterhouse, Helene Frossling, Chris Berry, Anna Mitchell, Grant Buttars, Megan Hood, Joan Baraclough, CJ Cochran, Caroline Stirling, Ian Brodie, Stephen Webb, Louise Jackson, Adrian Sinfield, Mike Adler, Sarah Henning, Nicola Walker, Andy Jeffries, Alistair Gaw, Jackie Gulland, Graham Crowe, Catriona Grant, Kathryn Peacock, Heather Lynch.

The committee has now disbanded, but the history work continues, mainly in two ways: in an archiving project staffed by Jenny Duffy at the University Library (with thanks to the Wellcome Trust for supporting this 18-month project); and in Sarah Henning's PhD, which is focusing on the work of three key women in our history - Nora Milnes, Marjorie Brown and Megan Browne.

There is a blog on the archiving project: ‘Advisers, Advocates and Activists – A Century of Social Work in Edinburgh’.

Any future enquiries about Social Work at Edinburgh should be directed to the Head of Social Work.